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Zhengzhou Jianxin HZS75 concrete mixing station settled in Lhasa Nagqu

n July 2018, Zhengzhou Jianxin Machinery HZS75 Concrete Mixing Station was successfully loaded and sent to Lhasa Naqu, officially stationed in Lhasa Naqu. At present, the concrete mixing plant has been successfully operated for half a month, the performance is stable, the output meets the customer's demand, and the customer is very satisfied.
       The star product of Zhengzhou Jianxin Machinery, which is introduced by Lhasa Naqu, is a star-studded product of Zhengzhou Jianxin Machinery. It is designed with concrete mixing equipment based on the advanced manufacturing experience of foreign countries. The whole station has high mixing quality, strong mixing, environmental protection and safety. The advantage is the user's preferred equipment for concrete production. HZS75 concrete mixing station is a fully automatic commercial concrete mixing plant equipment consisting of batching, mixing and electric control system. It is equipped with separate manual control, automatic offset compensation, sandstone moisture content compensation, and can automatically complete the scheduled tank production. The theoretical productivity is 75 cubic meters per hour, the discharge height is 3.8 meters, the storage hopper volume is 8 cubic meters*3 bins or 4 bins, and the supporting host is JS1500 type forced double horizontal shaft mixer.
       Zhengzhou Jianxin Machinery will be equipped with suitable concrete mixing plant equipment according to the customer's production needs. And from the previous production plan determination, equipment selection, after-sales installation, etc. to provide a complete pre-sales and after-sales guarantee, more than 100 successful cases in China for field visits.n July 2018, Zhengzhou Jianxin Machinery HZS75 Concrete Mixing Station was successfully loaded and sent to Lhasa Naqu, officially stationed in Lhasa Naqu. At present, the concrete mixing plant has been successfully operated for half a month, the performance is stable, the output meets the customer's demand, and the customer is very satisfied.
       The star product of Zhengzhou Jianxin Machinery, which is introduced by Lhasa Naqu, is a star-studded product of Zhengzhou Jianxin Machinery. It is designed with concrete mixing equipment based on the advanced manufacturing experience of foreign countries. The whole station has high mixing quality, strong mixing, environmental protection and safety. The advantage is the user's preferred equipment for concrete production. HZS75 concrete mixing station is a fully automatic commercial concrete mixing plant equipment consisting of batching, mixing and electric control system. It is equipped with separate manual control, automatic offset compensation, sandstone moisture content compensation, and can automatically complete the scheduled tank production. The theoretical productivity is 75 cubic meters per hour, the discharge height is 3.8 meters, the storage hopper volume is 8 cubic meters*3 bins or 4 bins, and the supporting host is JS1500 type forced double horizontal shaft mixer.
       Zhengzhou Jianxin Machinery will be equipped with suitable concrete mixing plant equipment according to the customer's production needs. And from the previous production plan determination, equipment selection, after-sales installation, etc. to provide a complete pre-sales and after-sales guarantee, more than 100 successful cases in China for field visits.
HZS75 concrete mixing station

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Address:West 200m of Guangwu Road and G310 National Way intersection, Xingyang-Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, 450100 China

